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Job Search Strategies: Creating a Plan of Action for your Job Search This webinar will break down the job search process into steps, helping you organize and prioritize your approach to finding a new job. Learn how to assess your skills and strengths to help you locate new opportunities that will be a good fit for you.

Resume Workshop

Learn how to write or improve your resume, online!  Resume workshops are hosted every Tuesday afternoon from 1 pm to 2:45 pm. Please register by e-mailing Kelly Butler at

Understanding Credit & Credit Reports The world runs on credit. Credit plays an important role in our financial lives. Not only is it essential for qualifying for a loan or getting a credit card, but also for less obvious things like getting cellular telephone service, renting a car, & even employment opportunities. In this webinar we will review what …

Selling Your Strengths & Enhancing Your Brand: A Resume Development Workshop Your resume is often your first point of communication with a potential employer. It is important that your resume accurately conveys all of your skills and your work history. This webinar will talk you through all of the components needed for a great resume and review the most common mistakes that job seekers make …