Workforce Innovation Board

The Partnership serves as staff to the Chicago Cook Workforce Innovation Board (WIB), the federally mandated body that oversees the investment of the region’s annual Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) allocation from the U.S. Department of Labor.

In accordance with federal guidelines, the board is comprised of public and private sector leaders in business, organized labor, economic development, education, community-based organizations. The WIB is committed to supporting the development of innovative programs and partnerships that fuel a thriving economic climate in the Chicagoland region.

Jacki Robinson - Ivy, Co-Chair
Northern Trust
Smita Shah, Co-Chair
Haven Allen
Don Finn
IBEW Local 134
Xochitl Flores
Cook County Bureau of Economic Development
Jennifer Foster
Illinois Community College Board
Adam Hecktman
For Good Advisory
Michael Jacobson
Illinois Hotel & Lodging Association
Rahnee K. Patrick
Illinois Department of Human Services
Pam McDonough
McDonough Enterprises
Donovan Pepper
Robert Reiter Jr.
Chicago Federation of Labor
Juan Salgado
City Colleges of Chicago
Marc Schulman
Eli's Cheesecake
Liisa Stark
Union Pacific Railroad
Jason Spigner
Sinai Health System
Carrie Thomas
Illinois Department of Employment Security