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Two great “Earn and Learn”
Opportunities for young adults

Opportunity Works

Sector-Focused Paid Internships

Man working on a project smiling

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Opportunity Works: Serves Out-of-Work or Out-of-School Suburban Cook County Young Adults

  • 8-week paid internship program, runs year-round
  • Earn $15 an hour, work 25 hours a week

Are you 16 to 24 years old? Are you interested in a year-round paid internship in a high-demand, high-growth industry?

Career exploration internships for young adults

Man and young girl collaborating on a woodworking project

Registration for Opportunity Summer is now closed. Please consider applying for Opportunity Works.

Cook County Housing Authority
Sugar Beet Food Co Op

Check Out Some Opportunity Works Experiences

Play Video
Play Video about 3 Photos placed together. Top Left: Smiling man with the title "Funder." Top Right: Smiling man with the title "Employer". Bottom: Two young men with the title "Interns".
Play Video about A crew of people working on stage lighting for a concert.
Play Video about A group of black young adults at internship orientation for Metra.

Opportunity Summer and Opportunity Works are part of Cook County’s Career Connector program. These programs are funded through a $15 million investment from the County into workforce development services provided by the Partnership, using dollars from the American Rescue Plan Act. These programs serve suburban Cook County residents and businesses and who were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Our region is full of growing businesses in high demand industries that are searching for people interested in well paying careers. Internships are a proven way for young adults to explore career options while earning money and for businesses to identify talented and ambitious youth who might have a future in their industry sector. The Partnership collaborates with Chicagoland-area businesses and organizations to provide summer and year-round support for young adults interested in building their careers.

Cook County Seal
Cook County Career Connector