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Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Virtual Hiring Fair


After Registering for the Virtual Job Fair: Check out the Facebook Event. Watch the Virtual Job Fair Demonstration recorded webinar below. Prepare for a Virtual Job Fair using tips in this workNet article. Read what to know about Attending Virtual Job Fairs as a Job Seeker in this workNet article.

Google Drive Workshop


(Creating a Google account, creating folders, sharing files, file & folder upload)

Google Docs Workshop


(Accessing, creating, sharing documents,and using the editing tools)

Google Sheets Workshop


(Accessing, creating workbooks,filtering data, formulas, functions,data validation, and charts)

South Holland Hiring Event

South Holland Community Center 501 East 170th Street, South Holland, United States

Microsoft Powerpoint


(Build a Presentation, Adding Images,Transitions, Animations, Videos and Music)

Cómo Utilizar Microsoft Excel


Aprenda a utilizar una hoja de cálculo para crear un presupuesto personal, generar reportes de ventas o hasta llevar la nómina de su negocio.