Daily Southtown Opinion – Column: It’s not too late for teens to find summer jobs

By Francine Knowles | Daily Southtown

More teens are forecast to be working this summer, and for those looking to land jobs there are plenty of opportunities. It’s not too late to start looking, says Andrew Challenger, labor and workplace expert and senior vice president of Challenger, Gray & Christmas Inc.

The outplacement and business and executive coaching firm forecasts teens will gain 1.3 million jobs across the country in May, June and July 2024 due to consumer demand and teens’ desire to work this summer.

The Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership has summer job opportunities for teens, said Cook County Commissioner Donna Miller, who advises teens to consider summer employment.

“Take advantage of opportunities that are out there,” said Miller. “They should try to find something they think they might be interested in because that’s a good way to learn. If they’re still in high school, these types of jobs will help them maybe decide what their major will be in college.”

For teens interested in finding summer work, if you haven’t started looking yet, get going, said Challenger.

“June is traditionally the most popular month for teen hiring,” he said.

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