Chicago Will Be the Kick-Off Site for the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative
Chicago will be the kickoff site for the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative, a new coalition of big businesses hoping to provide jobs or training for disadvantaged 16- to 24-year-olds. Starbucks is launching a national campaign called “100,000 Opportunities Initiative” the goal is to motivate companies to reinvest in their communities to create job opportunities for youth ages 16-24, also known as opportunity youth. The national hiring goal is 100,000; the call to action will commence here in Chicago on August 13th with a hiring event for youth.
The Partnership is going to assist, with the help of LeadersUp, to provide assistance with training, pre-screening, and other workforce related activities. We were unable to discuss our involvement in this initiative until yesterday when Starbucks made it’s national announcement.